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Meeting re Fiddyment Farm HDR

At the invite of the developer, WFFNA members Loren Cook, Sue Hallahan-Cook, and Joe Van Zant met with Kent MacDiarmid on October 25, 2013. Mr. MacDiarmid of the MacDiarmid Company represents James Ghielmetti, the new owner of four High Density Residential (HDR) properties located at the northeast corner of Blue Oaks Boulevard and Fiddyment Road. These properties (originally under Signature Homes development) are designated parcels F-21, F-22, F-23, and F-24.

Mr. MacDiarmid informed us that they are considering converting parcel F-23 from a High Density Residential (HDR) development of apartment homes to a Medium Density Residential (MDR) development of single family homes. He indicated they’ve made initial inquiries with the Roseville Planning Department about making that change; the City of Roseville (“the City”) was apparently in agreement with the change so long as the total number of units in the four parcels remains unchanged (i.e., additional units would be added to parcels F-21, F-22, and/or F-24). This proposed change would increase the density in the remaining units to approximately 23.8 units per acre.

While WFFNA generally prefers having less density in parcels, the City’s requirement to increase the number of units of the remaining facilities is not within previous arrangements made regarding SPA-3. Our members will recall that part of the last offer in SPA-3 was the City’s agreement that those four parcels (F-21, F-22, F-23, and F-24) would stay at their current approved density level of 20 units per acre and not be increased. This was the one part of the last SPA-3 proposal that pleased our members. Based on past issues related to apartment density within the area (insufficient parking, children playing in streets due to lack of sufficient on-site amenities, etc.), we do not favor any density higher than 20 units per acre. However, with the change in ownership, the City apparently does not feel constrained to keep to any prior proposed agreements—i.e., no longer any connection with SPA-3 between the developers. Our members stated that while WFFNA understands the City needs to try to meet SACOG’s requirements for affordable housing, SACOG does not require that all high density be located in the West Side of town—in the past we have requested that the City give serious consideration to fulfilling those HDR needs by placing some HDR developments in other areas of the city.

Mr. MacDiarmid said they had planned to submit the proposal for parcel F-23 to the City in early November. He showed a plan of the proposed MDR development and pictures of the suggested homes to be constructed (same as a complex in Folsom). It would be a gated community, 8 units per acre, about 6 feet between homes (not zero lot line), and would have an HOA with dues. He said they would love to be able to convert all four parcels into MDR like this one, but one of the facilities (F-22) is a designated ‘affordable’ housing unit, and any change would have to consider that requirement. In addition, a new location for another HDR facility would have to be found to meet the number of units lost in the conversion of these parcels from HDR to MDR (probably about 250 units altogether).

After our discussions relating the history of SPA-3, prior agreements, and urging the City to find other locations in Roseville to put HDR facilities to meet SACOG requirements, Mr. MacDiarmid said he would relay all the new info back to the owner for further considerations. Mr. MacDiarmid said he would try to set up a joint meeting with the Roseville Planning Department for further discussions; he will notify us of any date set. In addition, he would like to make a presentation to WFFNA and tentatively agreed to appear at the WFFNA Board meeting scheduled for Dec. 10th, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the Chilton Middle School Library—the public are invited to all WFFNA Board meetings.

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The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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