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F-50 Park (near Fiddyment Elementary)

There will be an F-50 Park Site follow-up meeting to discuss specific questions and comments regarding baseball fields.

Please mark your calendars if you wish to attend.

Date: 6/2/2015

Location: Multi-purpose Room, Fiddyment Farm Elementary

Address: 4001 Brick Mason Cir, Roseville, CA 95747

Time: 7:00pm

Here are some Q&A about the project (submitted by FFNA member Sue Cook to Tara Gee Park Planning & Development Superintendent):

• The picnic area does not indicate it has a covered area. F-50 will be the main park for our area activities for Fiddyment Farm. The covered shade area is a critical need in the heat in this area. Please advise if this will be a covered area. This will be a covered area and is included in the budget.

• Also, I notice there is a strip of trees or shrubbage between the tables and play area. Parents may want to observe their children on the play area from the tables. We can place a few tables at the play area.

• The play area shows age 5-12 play area. We understood this will be similar to Festersen Park for the children's play area. I hope that is still the plan because Festersen is a truly great facility--always busy and well used. Will there be small play equipment for the pre-school age as well (smaller swings, slides, and climbing equipment)? I believe the reference to Festersen was the size of the 5-15 play area. Dual play areas are not typical for all of our parks because of overall cost/benefits (most children want to play in the “big kids’ play area), however, we can take a look at this. WE are seeking balance. It may come to a choice of a bigger 5-12 play area or two smaller play areas for 5-12 year olds and 2-5 years olds.

• Just the one set of benches near the play area? If we place tables there too, we will have plenty of seating. The master plan simply depicts seating areas, how many will be part of the detailed planning phase.

• Are the two lightposts right near each other at the entrance the only lighting? Security lighting considers placement of streetlights and the areas where activity centers are for ease of surveillance, which are generally play areas and picnic areas. Too many lights will invite people to stay at the park after established park hours, which is dawn to one hour after dusk. Since we are at the high level design phase, we don’t know at this point how many actual light poles we will need.

• Why does it say Future restroom--why would the restroom not be included during initial construction? We don’t phase our neighborhood parks and did not intend this to be after the park is constructed. The restroom is planned to be part of the project. We can clarify this labeling.

• There are four squares reflected in the turf area--what sports are these designated for--two for soccer, but what are the smaller ones for? It shows how soccer can be accommodated in this area, but as a mutli-use field, we heard from residents that we shouldn't restrict to just soccer and we agree.

• This will be our first park with onsite parking--thank you. I'm sure the neighbors will appreciate it--even 20 spaces is a help when you have soccer fields. Thanks. Our school/park sites should have joint parking, but since the existing schools had been constructed beforehand it does create a challenge for the park. We are trying to get ahead of this in the future school/park sites.

• I note 3 exercise stations, is that correct? What type of equipment will those have? Yes, 3 and we have not determined what kind. This is a detail that will be worked out in the next phase, once a master plan is approved.

• What kind of trash receptacle will be supplied--another of the solar containers? That works great at our local facilities, but it would be helpful to have two at the bigger facilities (Festersen and F-50) where main events will be held. We are going away from the solar containers because of some on-going maintenance challenges. We are looking at different options, but again a detail to be worked out in the next phase of work.

Thank you to Tara Gee - Park Planning & Development Superintendent for answering our many questions!

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