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Planning Department & Other Updates for WRSP

Date:  3-14-2017 WestPark and Fiddyment Farm NA Board Meeting, Chilton Middle School


At the 3/14/2017 Combined Board Meeting of the WestPark and Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Associations, Greg Bitter from the City of Roseville Planning Department responded to a list of questions that had been submitted to him in advance of the meeting.  Also adding comments later were Jeff Jones and John Tallman of Westpark Communities, and Jack Duran, Placer County District 1 Supervisor. 


Greg Bitter, City of Roseville Planning: 

1.      Blue Oaks Blvd. Extension and completion of Hayden Parkway: says it now depends on the Creekview project; Granite Bay sold the property and withdrew its development plans, so there are no plans presently to complete the extension.  In response to Board members concerns expressed over the public safety (police and fire safety) of not being able to have the direct access, he said the City feels there is no need for concern, that the area is classified as “rural” and response times are in accordance with requirements.  Capt. Kilmer indicated that current response times of having to go around are about 7 ½ to 8 minutes, but would be about 4 minutes faster if Blue Oaks went through.  To inquiries of what is considered ‘rural’, Pete Constant said it is a classification set by LAFCO (Land Agency Formation Commission) to ensure municipal service requirements and reviews.  Greg Bitter will research whether our ‘rural’ classification can be upgraded and get back to Loren Cook.  Sue Cook reminded Mr. Bitter that our residents have been paying a special added road fee that was imposed to supposedly advance getting Blue Oaks and Westbrook Boulevards completed (which are now about two years behind original completion schedules).  

2.      Gas Station (Parcel F-81 N. Fiddyment Road & Angus)—private owner has resubmitted the permit; Wayne Wiley indicated to Loren that he will coordinate to have the project planner present the project at a future NA meeting.  Greg said there will be one gas canopy (possibly 5-6 pumps), and a convenience market. 

3.      Grocery Store rumor (Parcel F-31 (N. Fiddyment Road & Blue Oaks Blvd.)—confirmed that there will be a commercial center at that corner, probably including a grocery store. 

4.      Baseline Marketplace—Fiddyment Road & Baseline:  Denios and developers of the Sierra Vista Specific Plan have finally received wetland permits; infrastructure could start next year, probably not open until 2019.  All developers along Baseline and Fiddyment Roads will have to comply with widening and road requirements as projects proceed; similar to the road work progressing on the Campus Oaks project now underway (Blue Oaks & Woodcreek Oaks Blvds.)

5.      Siena Apartments Parking:  The City has approached St. Anton’s (owners) to consider purchasing a strip of property next to the complex, but they have declined.  They were given a “density bonus” for the HDR property allowing a reduced number of parking spaces.  The City will continue to ask property management to make sure they enforce the “conditions of approval” that garages must be kept available for parking cars, but compliance seems to vary depending on current management.  The City can impose penalties through its Code Enforcement division if problems cannot be resolved any other way.  Because of other HDR facilities to be built in the WRSP, Sue Cook indicated the neighborhood concerns are that other ‘parking density’ bonuses might be awarded in the future creating more problem areas. 

6.      Water Treatment Plant Expansion & Energy Recovery:  Mr. Bitter said the project went before the Roseville Public Utilities Commission last month and provided a 2/17/2017 Staff Report from the Environmental Utilities Division (will attach copy with this review).  Digesters should help eliminate odors from the plant; other members noted there is a very strong odor of the methane gas at the landfill plant on Fiddyment Road. 

7.      Sports Complex:   Placer Valley Tourism now wants 10 soccer fields on the property; they are redoing the environmental review; still need permits.  A ‘shared park’ plan (with high school and surrounding regional park land) has just come out, and Loren will invite Tara Gee to make a presentation for updates.  Last discussions also indicated an extension of Blue Oaks Blvd. for one-quarter mile (if not finished further by then). 

8.      Affordable Housing properties:  In response to previous questions raised about parcels designated as ‘affordable housing’, Mr. Bitter said Parcels F-25 and F-26 are no longer required to be affordable housing (apparently changed with SPA-3 approval).  Those parcels still designated as “Affordable” are Fiddyment Farm parcels F-20 (Siena Apts), F-22, F-6B, and F-8A, and WestPark parcel W-27.   Greg mentioned that the owners of two commercial sites (F-33 and F-32) adjacent to F-25 and F-26 have approached the City to discuss rezoning to delete commercial requirements, but the City feels it is too early to entertain any land use changes there yet.


Jeff Jones and John Tallman of Westpark Communities:

9.      Village Center— Jeff Jones said they submitted the new concept plans to the City at the end of February.  The plans will go through the usual project evaluation process, including Parks and Recreation reviews June/July, and public hearings July/August; and hopefully proceed to the Planning Commission late July and City Council 2 hearings in August.  Oakmont Senior facility also submitted its application, to follow closely behind Westpark’s plan timeline; and they have a tentative contract pending.  Greg Bitter also indicated there has been some interest from commercial developers at the City after the Village Center plans were filed.  Members thanks Jeff and John for their presentation to involve the neighborhoods, and thought most of the feedback was very positive after the February public meeting and continuing efforts to keep the neighborhoods updated. 

10.  Avia Apartments (possibly to be renamed Fiddyment Ranch Apartments)—Greg said a design remodification has been approved.  The original builders and management had split, and the designers had copyright to the plans.  The foundations are already in, so it took another year to redesign without infringing on the copyrighted plans.  It will still have the same number of units and parking spaces, but different look.  No date of start known at this time; need to find a new builder and management team.  Mr.Bitter said the building codes were updated 1/1/2017, so the City was busy with many plans submitted before the code changes would go into effect. 


 Jack Duran, Placer County District 1 Supervisor answered a few updates:

11.  Dry Creek bridge—they would proceed one side at a time, starting at the end of this year. 

12.  Placer Ranch—Jack Duran said they are meeting with the project manager tomorrow and moving forward; they’ve met with Sacramento State University and ready to go forth.

13.  Baseline Road improvements—they are probably 3-5 years out to start.

Although Measure ‘M’ did not pass, they are looking at other alternatives for a legislative fix for those areas that had voted in favor of the measure, using CEQA to speed the process.


Latest Land Use Plan: WRSP_LUM may 2017.pdf

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The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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