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Roseville Energy Park – Proposed Liquid Management System -- Update

On August 21, 2014 we received the following update on the proposed Liquid Management System (for waste-water from the Power Plant):

Roseville Electric Utility continues to evaluate the Liquid Management System (LMS) option for disposing of the cooling water at the Roseville Energy Park.

At this time, we have not made a final decision on whether to recommend moving forward with construction of the LMS project. We won’t have a recommendation until after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Energy Commission (CEC) complete their review and approval of the proposed project. If the Environmental Protection Agency approves the project, we will review their project requirements. At that time, we will determine whether or not to submit the project for review to the California Energy Commission. Both the EPA and CEC review processes include public outreach and opportunity for public review and comment. Any recommendation to move forward with construction of the project must be approved by the Roseville City Council.

Below is a list of the options that were considered prior to selecting the LMS technology as the preferred alternative to our current system. Please note the project timeline information that was previously listed on the website, was removed because it is outdated. Because we are still in the review process with the EPA and do not know when they will complete their review, we don’t have an updated timeline to share.

  • Pleasant Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant (PGWWTP) Pond Utilization
  • Dedicated REP Evaporative Ponds to Supplement Existing Processes
  • Partial PGWWTP Pond Utilization
  • Utilize Deep Well Injection (LMS)
  • Cooling Tower Water Fill Pretreatment
  • Cooling Tower Water Side-Stream Treatment
  • Increase Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Process Capacity
  • Upgraded Reverse Osmosis (RO) Capacity
  • Dedicated REP Evaporative Ponds for Entire ZLD Replacement
  • Direct Discharge to Local Waterways
  • Full-Size Brine Concentrators with Evaporation Ponds

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact me.

Vonette McCauley

Public Relations Manager

Roseville Electric




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