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Roseville Electric - Solar Project Presentation

Roseville Electric - Solar Project Presentation


Dates:  1/12/2016 FFNA and WestPark NA Joint Board Meeting
            1/24/2016 Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA)

Shawn Matchim (Electric Regulation Compliance Administrator for Roseville Electric) and Vonette McCauley (RE Public Information Officer) presented a proposed Community Solar Pilot Project that is in the early assessment stage.  $150,000 was authorized by the City Council to study Solar resources, mainly to reach out to those where rooftop solar is not feasible for different reasons.  The City of Roseville currently has the highest penetration of rooftop solar in the nation, and a great many of our developments in the WestPark and Fiddyment Farm provide solar homes.  By 2030, federal and state regulations require 50% of RE’s energy must come from renewable energy sources.

In 2007, basic steps were begun to determine site controls and regulatory work required.  Phase 1 would be a pilot project with a range of 500 kW to 900 kW which will try to reach out to 200-400 customers.  Phase 2 would expand the project if the pilot program is successful.

The project site would be City-owned property North and NW of the Roseville Power Plant in the West Roseville Specific Plan.  Because of federal restrictions on public utilities companies, the use of a 3rd party developer and manager would be required; the developer would be eligible for the 30% federal tax credit which RE isn’t eligible for.

The proposed model:  Those customers who buy/opt-in (per kW) to the program would receive the benefit of the solar energy earned from the project; credit would be placed against their bill utility bills (basically a paper transaction).    They have specific Return on Investment figures yet, but expect the savings to be competitive with rooftop solar, but without having to purchase solar for the home. Potential participation by businesses (at capped levels) has not been ruled out, but the pilot project will apply to residential participation only.  Customers city-wide would be eligible for the project, it would not be limited to any one area. 

The pilot project is expected to begin late this year or early 2017.  Education and technology changes will be presented to the public.  One board member asked about any visual deterrents to the project, such as visual glare, heat, and location screening issues -- Mr. Matchim said studies will be done for all environmental and safety aspects of the project.

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