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Barbara Chilton Middle School Opening Delayed Again

Posted by Aaron Hermann:

For 3 years now the Roseville City School District has leased Barbara Chilton Middle School to St. John's School without any consultation from local parents. January 13th several parents including myself attended the Roseville City School District meeting and requested to have a public comment forum put on the agenda for the February 3rd meeting. We asked to be able to voice our concerns in regards to the District once again delaying the opening of Barbara Chilton School. In previous meetings regarding the middle school we have asked to be notified of any changes to the school opening and the chance for a public forum. At those meetings, Superintendent Pierucci stated he would honor that request if there were any changes. He must have forgot his promise when he signed an extension to the lease for St. John's school for the 2011-2012 school year. There was no public forum! Worse yet he didn't want to honor our request to have a public forum on January 13th at the meeting. He tried once again to brush us off. The board was the body who approved the request for the upcoming agenda.

I have attached the letter he has sent out recently regarding the opening of the school.

On February 3rd Junction Elementary Parents will be letting the Roseville City School District and Superintendent know how we feel about another year of our middle school being leased to St. John's. I urge you to attend this upcoming meeting and show your support. Please forward this to friends, family, and neighbors. Let's keep this school board and superintendent accountable.

When: Thursday, February 3rd from 6pm-8pm (Public Comment is normally in the beginning)

Where: 1050 Main Street in Roseville (Located by Foothills and Baseline across from Kragen)

Remember: You Pay Taxes plus additional Mello Roos for these schools and to boot they're going to charge you for the bus ride to the other middle school!

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