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Orchard Ranch Elementary School



Posted by Scott Alvord -


Here are some facts regarding the Orchard Ranch Elementary School growth and plans for a new elementary school. I was reading a lot of comments, containing a lot of fear and speculation. Since school districts are not governed by the city, I decided to ask the district for some clarification and information that I could share.


This is a response to me directly from the district superintendent (Dirk Garcia):


"Riego Creek Elementary School is the next elementary school to be built in West Roseville The architectural plans are approved by the State of California, and the construction firm is under contract. Riego Creek is the final 'developer-built' school. West Park LLC holds the contracts and fronts the money to build the school. We repay them over time. Their current timeline is to build the school in 2021 with an opening in 2022. Until then, we will attempt to keep students living near Orchard Ranch Elementary School at their neighborhood school - thus the additional portables.


Orchard Ranch Elementary School opened two years ago with 450 students. It grew by 300 students this year. We can educate approximately 850 students on the site. This means we can accommodate approximately 100 more students before we need to overflow children to Fiddyment Farm Elementary School."



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 At 10K a year in property tax, they use the public like a casino. Roseville has issued building permits for years with the projection of 25k new homes = 100k new residents.  Don't let anybody fool you into thinking they " had no idea" this was going to happen. All west end infrastructure is antiquate, sewer, water, electricity, flood, markets, schools, banks and so on.

Either one of two things:


Choose to step down from your city position because you had " no idea" and unable to perform your job duties. Or 


Choose to step down from your city position because you knew about the issue and did " nothing about it" unable to preform your job duties.


Either way people moved here because of the schools and they are now failing terribly, over populated and unorganized.

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