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We Are Roseville - April 6, 2021


April 6, 2021

CA to reopen June 15

Gov. Newsom announced today that California will fully reopen June 15 as long as the supply of vaccines is sufficient and hospitalizations are low.

Californians will still need to wear masks, continue risk reduction measures and will be encouraged to get vaccinated. But the color-coded tier system will end.

The state will continue contact tracing and testing to help contain spread of the COVID-19 virus.

vaccine image

COVID vaccination eligibility expands

Placer County residents age 50 and above are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination. Appointments are currently available at the county's clinic, and many other providers across the county have also expanded eligibility.

Find appointments at

All residents 16 and older will be eligible beginning April 15.

More than 200,000 doses have now been administered to Placer County residents.

Rent help Placer

Emergency rental and utility assistance now available - apply by April 30

If you are experiencing a COVID-19 related financial hardship and need help paying rent or utilities, Rent Help Placer can help. 

For more information, to review eligibility and apply, visit or call 2-1-1 (833-342-5211).

Landlords - share these informational flyers with your tenants. 

looking at bill, young couple

Behind on your electric bill? Pay what you can now 

While disconnections for non-payment are currently on hold, the balance on your City of Roseville utility account is still accumulating. 

Past due account balances will be subject to interruption of service due to non-payment in the very near future. We strongly encourage residents with a past due balance to pay what you can now.

Our team is here to help navigate a path forward, including customized payment plans. We can also help determine if you are eligible for other available resources.

Take the necessary steps today. Call 916-774-5300 or visit

Bob Schmitt City Attorney

Roseville City Attorney Bob Schmitt announces retirement

Roseville City Attorney Bob Schmitt announced his retirement effective May 29, after 22 years working with the City of Roseville, six as City Attorney.

Schmitt has worked on key projects in one of the most dynamic periods in the City’s 112-year history, including the permitting and construction of the Roseville Energy Park, negotiating and drafting numerous development agreements (including Sierra Vista Specific Plan), and numerous litigation successes.

City Attorney is the only other position besides City Manager that the City Council directly hires. The City Council will consider a contract for his successor at the April 7 City Council meeting. 

Read more.

water drop earth

Roseville joins nationwide challenge to be more water wise

Mayor Krista Bernasconi is asking Roseville residents to make a long-term commitment to manage water resources more wisely as part of the National Mayor’s Challenge for water conservation

During the entire month of April, water customers can make a series of simple pledges at to use water more efficiently, reduce pollution, and save energy.

Customers taking the pledge can win $3,000 toward their home utility bill, water saving fixtures, and hundreds of other prizes. Plus, one lucky charity from a winning city will receive a 2021 Toyota Highlander Hybrid to serve the community.

Take the pledge and learn more here.

Mahany aerial

Roseville transforms existing courtyard garden into a water wise inspiration

We have embarked on a landscape project this spring that will transform a courtyard garden at Mahany Park into a water wise demonstration to spur landscape water saving ideas for customers and the community.

The Inspiration Garden, appropriately fitting to inspire new ideas, thinking and approaches to having a sustainable landscape, will include nearly 300 new plantings – California natives as well as low- to mid-water use plants and trees.

The diversity in plants species will allow for year-round color and texture while also reducing water use and maintenance.

Learn more here

reimagine Royer Park

Re-imagine Royer Park

If you could design a new playground for Royer Park, what would it look like?

Through a combination of Prop 68 and City funds, we are hoping to build a larger destination-style playground to replace the current school-aged structure.

Your input will help determine the ultimate design. Tell us what you and your children would like to see.

Visit the Re-imagine Royer webpage to find details and fun ways for kids to submit their ideas. The deadline to submit is April 15.

Summer PRL registration 2021

Summer recreation program registration is open

Your guide to summer has arrived. The latest edition of Experience PRL is online now and starts hitting mailboxes this week.

The new magazine style format has all of your favorite programs plus fun kids' activities and interesting articles to keep you informed. Explore summer camps, tot and youth sports, swim lessons, safety classes and more.

Register here.

Resurfacing streets

Road resurfacing work underway

Sixty-five lane miles of arterial streets will be resurfaced throughout Roseville this year. Construction is now underway and will be completed by late fall.

You'll notice that along with resurfacing, pedestrian curb ramps will receive upgrades to meet current ADA accessibility laws. 

Keep an eye on digital message boards for current work dates and times in each area. Working hours will vary depending on traffic volumes and scheduled to minimize disruption to motorists, residents, schools and businesses. 

Find out more and view a map of locations.

Keep Placer moving 2021

Help plan for the future of transportation

Join the conversation and help Placer County Transportation Planning Agency plan for the way you travel.

Learn more and register to attend one of several upcoming online community meetings at 

I-80 Atlantic onramp closure and detour

I-80 on-ramp construction and trail detour

Construction is in progress through fall 2022 to widen the Interstate 80 westbound on-ramp at Atlantic Street. Watch for periodic closures. Learn more about this Caltrans project.

Due to the on-ramp work, a portion of the Miner's Ravine Trail is closed from Sculpture Park to Harding Boulevard through October. Closed areas are marked with signs and barricades. For your safety, do not enter the construction zone.

Please use the bike and pedestrian detour, or choose an alternate route.

Scott Alvord Coffee with Council

Friday, April 9
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Register here

Make yourself a coffee and join Roseville City Councilmember Scott Alvord and other community members online to discuss city-related topics including what's happening in our city, project updates, community and economy topics. 


How Much is too Much Water for Your Yard?

Friday, April 16
12 - 1 p.m.
Register here.

Do you often wonder how much water to use on your yard? Are you getting conflicting information from your landscaper or irrigation timer setting manual?

Learn key principles of irrigation management including proper plant moisture and tips to improve and maintain healthy soil. 

Teaching classroom

Free virtual workshop for Roseville teachers

All Roseville teachers are invited to attend a free two-part workshop series, Low Floor, High Ceiling - Making Science Tasks More Spacious.

April 19 and 26
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Register here

Low Floor, High Ceiling experiences are those with easy access points for all learners (low floor), and the potential for expansive thinking (high ceiling). 

The workshop is presented by the California Academy of Sciences and hosted by Roseville’s Utility Exploration Center.

SACOG trails

Where do you want to go?

Take a brief survey to help the connect our region with trails.

The Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) wants to find important places that people want to walk, wheel, or bike to in the region. Your input will help SACOG work with cities and counties to connect our region with trails.

Share your input by April 30. 

Learn more about the planning effort.

Important COVID-19 links:

Reopen Placer

City of Roseville COVID-19 information

COVID-19 in California

Placer County COVID-19 information

California Department of Public Health


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About Us

The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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