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We Are Roseville - February 14, 2023


Valentine's Day

Life is "sweeter" in Roseville because of you! 

Downtown Bridge

Dinner on the Bridge

Wine, dine and have a good time at Dinner on the Bridge for the return of Wine Down Wednesdays, 5 p.m., April 19. Enjoy a three-course dinner, regional wines in a souvenir glass, and entry into Wine Down Wednesday.

View the menu & get tickets

Presidents' Day

Presidents' Day holiday hours

Most City of Roseville offices are closed Monday, February 20, in observance of Presidents' Day. Please visit our website for a complete list of hours and closures.


What's Happening in Roseville - February edition

Learn how Roseville stored over 150 million gallons of surface water in our groundwater basin for future use. Plus, new grant funding provides support for traffic safety efforts, Roseville job opportunities and more City news. It's all in this month's edition of What's Happening in Roseville. 

Watch now

Venture Lab logo

Upcoming entrepreneur events

Join us for the latest free events at the Roseville Venture Lab. Hear from business leaders and investors, learn from other entrepreneurs, and accelerate your growth.

Learn how you can participate

Community Coffee

Meter upgrade

Roseville Utilities launching meter upgrade project

Like many utilities throughout the United States, Roseville is modernizing its metering system beginning in March. This upgrade includes industry-standard meters, which wirelessly send readings and essential service information to our water and electric utilities. 

The first phase of the project will take approximately three months. Full implementation is tentatively scheduled to begin in July 2023. That portion of the project is expected to take 12-14 months.  

Find out more

Mattress recycling

Free mattress recycling

Looking to replace your old mattress or box spring? Now you can drop off and recycle your old one for free at the Western Placer Waste Management Authority. Drop off hours are 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays and 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekends at WPWMA, 3195 Athens Avenue in Lincoln.

Learn more


Three ways to winterize your irrigation systems

With cold winter temperatures, now is the time to winterize and take inventory of your irrigation systems. Turn off your sprinklers, let nature do the watering for you and take advantage of this time to flush and repair your system. Follow these three easy ways to maintain your irrigation systems during winter.

Learn more

View current infrastructure project map

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View meeting agendas and minutes

City Council - 6 p.m., Wednesday, February 15

City Council Goals Workshop - 9 a.m., Tuesday, February 21 at Martha Riley Library: 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd.

Planning Commission - 6:30 p.m., Thursday, February 23

Parks and Recreation Commission - 6 p.m., Monday, March 6

Transportation Commission -  6 p.m., Tuesday, February 21

Public Utilities Commission - 6 p.m., Tuesday, February 28

Law and Regulation Committee - 9 a.m., Thursday, February 23

Grants Advisory Commission - 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 14

Design Committee - 4:30 p.m., Thursday, February 16

Economic Development Advisory Committee - 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 18

Senior Commission - 2 p.m., Wednesday, May 12

Local Sales Tax Citizen's Oversight Committee - 6 p.m., Thursday, March 16 and
6 p.m., Thursday, March 30

Unless otherwise noted, Council and Commission meetings are held in the Roseville City Council Chambers at 311 Vernon Street. 

Meetings held in the City Council Chambers can be viewed live online or on demand on the City’s website and on the City’s YouTube channel.


311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678

(916) 774-5200 |

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About Us

The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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