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We Are Roseville - March 16, 2021


March 16, 2021

Red tier covid

Placer County moved into the Red Tier as of Sunday, March 14 after statewide vaccination thresholds were met and state tier metrics relaxed as a result.

"This is a big step and one that we welcome. With our case rate increasing gradually in the past week, it remains important to take precautions like masking and distancing, as none of us want to lose the progress we've made as a county," said Placer County Health and Human Services Director and Interim Health Officer Dr. Rob Oldham.

Find out here what being in the red tier means. 

vaccine image

COVID vaccinations expanded to more groups and those 16-64 with certain health conditions

People 16-64 years old with certain underlying health conditions are now eligible for vaccination through many health care providers and at the Placer County HHS clinic.

Appointments at the HHS clinic are available here. Those with underlying conditions will need to bring documentation to the HHS clinic as described here.

The state has also added new groups including public transit, foster families, janitors, and others to previously eligible phases of vaccination. See the vaccine allocation guidelines.

Sign up for notifications about future batches of appointments by texting PLACERVACCINE to the number 898211.

Get vaccination data on the Placer County COVID-19 dashboard.

COVID-19 elderly vaccinations

Baseline aerial

Find out about upcoming development and construction in west Placer

Wednesday, March 24
5:30 p.m.
Register to attend.

Attend a virtual community meeting about development and construction in west Placer County hosted by Placer County Supervisor and former Roseville Mayor Bonnie Gore.

Hear about what you can expect to see in the next year, what efforts are being made to mitigate the issues—including the expansion of Baseline Road—and how our community will look in the future, once these plans are completed.

Roseville planners and Public Works officials will be presenting information and answering questions along with Placer County representatives.

Watch a short video about the upcoming meeting.

EU montage

Virtual community meeting set to discuss proposed utility rate adjustments

Tuesday, April 13
6 p.m.
Register to attend by April 10

The cost of delivering utility services continues to rise and to keep pace with these increased costs, your Environmental Utilities is proposing utility rate adjustments for water, wastewater, and waste services (trash and recycling.)

The rate adjustment proposal will offset costs of infrastructure maintenance and rehabilitation, compliance with current and future regulations (including unfunded mandates), and to ensure continued high quality services. 

Find out more.

I-80 Atlantic onramp closure and detour

I-80 westbound Atlantic Street on-ramp scheduled for overnight closure

The I-80 westbound on-ramp at Atlantic Street is scheduled to be closed overnight March 18 and March 19 between 7:30 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. for Caltrans construction activity.  

During the overnight ramp closure, westbound I-80 motorists will be detoured along Harding Boulevard or North Sunrise Avenue to Douglas Boulevard.

The work is part of a $12 million Caltrans project to widen the existing single-lane westbound on‐ramp to three lanes.

Learn more about the project.

WHIR video thumbnail March 2021

Video: What's Happening in Roseville for March

We're back with our monthly video update to provide you information on the vaccine, how to maximize your COR fitness membership, and more Roseville news in our March update.

Watch here!


Stopping leaks in their tracks

The average home wastes nearly 10,000 gallons of water per year from easy-to-fix household leaks; that’s equivalent to washing 300 loads of laundry (or enough to do laundry for 10 months)!

During the month of March, we’re inviting everyone to take the 10-Minute Challenge to find and fix household leaks.

Building electrification

Introducing incentives for all-electric new construction

In Roseville, the benefits really add up with an all-electric home. As part of Roseville Electric Utility’s new Building Electrification Pilot Program, we offer incentives for homebuilders – up to $4,000 in rebates per qualifying lot.

According to research, California’s buildings represent about 25% of the state’s total greenhouse gas emissions. One way to reduce GHGs is building electrification. This includes switching from fossil fuels to electricity use for space heating, water heating, induction cooking and clothes drying. Eligible homebuilders can receive incentives for all-electric single family and multi-family homes.

For homebuilders in the Greater Sacramento Region, this also means saving time and money by expanding your reach throughout the region.

Plug-in to the possibilities of an all-electric home. For more information on how to get started, visit


How Much is too Much Water for Your Yard?

Join us for an upcoming webinar on principles of irrigation.

Friday, April 16
12 - 1 p.m.
Register here.

Do you often wonder how much water to use on your yard? Are you getting conflicting information from your landscaper or irrigation timer setting manual?

Learn key principles of irrigation management including proper plant moisture and tips to improve and maintain healthy soil. 

maidu museum

Maidu Museum reopens indoor art and exhibits gallery

You can now visit inside the Maidu Museum 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.

A visit to the museum offers you a chance to view Native crafts, learn about local history, explore the exhibits, and better understand the history/contemporary issues of the Maidu tribes.

The Historic Site trail is also open during the same times for free visits. 

Learn more

SACOG trails

Where do you want to go?

Take a brief survey to help the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) find important places that people want to walk, wheel, or bike to in the region. Your input will help SACOG work with cities and counties to connect our region with trails.

Share your input by April 30. 

Learn more about the planning effort.

Important COVID-19 links:

Reopen Placer

City of Roseville COVID-19 information

COVID-19 in California

Placer County COVID-19 information

California Department of Public Health


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About Us

The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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