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We Are Roseville - May 31, 2022


May 31, 2022

Scenic shot of the Roseville, Ca Civic Center, June 2017

Watch the City’s budget workshop to learn more about the FY2022-23 proposed budget

The City Council held a public budget workshop earlier today to provide more information about the Fiscal Year 2022-23 proposed budget. The budget workshop can be viewed here.

The proposed budget includes $788 million in revenue and $767 million in expenses, $70 million of which is due to a one-time loan the City is handling on behalf of the South Placer Wastewater Authority.

More than half of the City’s overall revenues and expenses are related to the operation of the community owned electric, water, wastewater and refuse utilities.

The City’s General Fund proposed budget, which consists of public safety, parks, libraries, public works and general government operations, is $212 million.

Download our FY22-23 Budget in Brief to get an overview of budget priorities, revenues and expenses.

Placer Alert

Sign up for Placer Alert

During an emergency if we can’t reach you…we can’t alert you!

If you haven’t signed up for Placer Alert, now is the time to ensure you receive notifications that can alert you about emergency events and other important public safety information.

Signups are free and can be done at


Help kids learn to swim with Operation Swim

Teaching children to swim is a vital skill for drowning prevention. Unfortunately, many children in our community can’t afford a swim suit and towel, much less swimming lessons. Help us change that with your donations.

Learn how you can help.

Dog reading

Start the Summer Reading Challenge with a party!

Don’t miss our Summer Reading Challenge kick-off party to celebrate your summer of reading! The kick-off party is June 4 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Riley Library and patio. The Summer Reading Challenge includes a variety of virtual and in-person events to promote reading, learning and library engagement at our various library locations. All ages can join the fun!

 Start your summer reading.

We Are Roseville Grad signs

Get your 2022 grad signs

Congratulations to all of our Class of 2022 graduates! Get your We Are Roseville 2022 grad signs at, print them at home and then post a photo of your grad with the sign using #WeAreRoseville.

Find your grad sign.

Big Trucks Summer

Big Trucks Summer is back!

After two years of virtual Big Trucks, we're ready to show off our fleet of utility vehicles in person again. Big truck events are held on Thursdays throughout June from 9 - 11 a.m. and feature truck demonstrations and exploration, games and activities. Visitors can meet utility employees and learn about utility services and programs. 

See more details.

Summer Youth Bus Pass graphic

Buy the Summer Youth Bus Pass

No car? No problem! 

Ride unlimited June 1 – August 31 on Roseville Transit, Placer County Transit and Auburn Transit local bus routes with the $10 Summer Youth Bus Pass. Passes are currently on sale. 

Learn more.

Graffiti cleanup

Working together to keep our city graffiti-free

Members of the Roseville Police Department recently led a multi-departmental graffiti sweep around the City, identifying 154 locations for cleanup. Over half were able to be cleaned onsite.

Learn more, including how you can help.

Civic Center

Serve your community on a board or commission

The Roseville City Council is accepting applications from citizens 18 or older residing within the City limits of Roseville interested in serving on the following:

  • Economic Development Advisory Committee - Two vacancies
  • Grants Advisory Commission - Two vacancies
  • Planning Commission - Three vacancies

4 p.m., Friday, June 3, 2022 is the deadline for submitting online applications to the City Clerk. 

Learn more and apply.

View current infrastructure project map

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View meeting agendas and minutes

City Council - 6 p.m., Wednesday, June 1

Planning Commission - 6:30 p.m., Thursday, June 23

Parks and Recreation Commission - 6 p.m., Monday, June 6

Transportation Commission -  6 p.m., Tuesday, June 21

Public Utilities Commission - 6 p.m., Tuesday, June 28

Law and Regulation Committee - 9 a.m., Thursday, June 23

Grants Advisory Commission - 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 14

Design Committee - 4:30 p.m., Thursday, June 16 - CANCELED

Economic Development Advisory Committee - 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 26

Senior Commission - 2 p.m., Wednesday, August 10

Local Sales Tax Citizen's Oversight Committee - To be determined

Unless otherwise noted, Council and Commission meetings are held in the Roseville City Council Chambers at 311 Vernon Street. 

Meetings held in the City Council Chambers can be viewed live online or on demand on the City’s website and on the City’s YouTube channel.


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About Us

The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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