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We Are Roseville - September 7, 2021


September 7, 2021

Placer County

View the latest COVID-19 update from Placer County

The latest in-depth COVID-19 update from Placer Co. Public Health's epidemiology team explores hospitalization data in greater depth and answers common questions around vaccination, masking and testing.

Among Placer residents known to have been hospitalized, patients have recently skewed younger compared to the pandemic as a whole. Older residents have higher rates of vaccination.

Read the full report

COVID-19 vaccinations

$50 VISA gift cards are available to residents who get vaccinated at Sleeves Up Placer vaccination events

Still need a COVID-19 vaccine? Get a FREE vaccine at select clinics and mobile vaccination locations and you get a Sleeves Up Placer $50 VISA gift card provided by Placer Community Foundation. 

Visit for more info. 


Free COVID testing

The OptumServe COVID-19 testing site in Roseville has increased their operation to 12 hours a day to meet growing demand. The testing site is located at the Maidu Activity Center, 1960 Johnson Ranch Drive.

Make an appointment for free PCR testing at, or find other testing options at

Watering days

Watering days shift to two days per week

Watering days have shifted from three days to two days per week to manage ongoing drought conditions. The new schedule lasts until October 31.

Residential customers can water on Mondays and Fridays. Commercial customers can water on Mondays and Thursdays. Customers using drip irrigation are not subject to watering days.

Learn more and view helpful irrigation tips.

Parks water smart

Learn how we're doing our part to save water in our parks and landscaping

We continue to invest in systems that are water smart, like using recycled water and converting areas of "passive" turf in parks to water wise landscapes.

As a water customer, we are required to meet the same level of reductions as businesses and residents. To meet the reduction goal, priority is being given to sports fields and trees followed by landscaping and "usable" park turf.

Learn more about how our parks are being water smart.


What's Happening in Roseville - September 2021

Help plan the future of Parks, Recreation & Libraries. Plus, hear how Roseville uses recycled water throughout the community and more City news in the September episode of What's Happening in Roseville.

Watch it now


More residents now qualify for electric bill assistance

As your community-owned utility, Roseville Electric has a number of resources available to help save on your bill.

Income-qualified residents can receive a 15 percent discount on their electric bill through our Electric Rate Assistance Program. And now with expanded income eligibility, even more residents qualify.

To find out if you are eligible, call (916) 774-5300 or visit

Gardening workshops

Take your garden to new heights

Are you curious about raised bed gardening or have some old beds you want to revitalize?

In our upcoming free session "Raised Bed Gardening", we will walk you through the steps and materials to get started, offer tips on soil health, and cover the benefits of growing your garden in raised beds.

September 24
12 – 12:45 p.m.
Register here


Free virtual workshop for Roseville teachers

All Roseville teachers are invited to attend a free workshop, Low Floor, High Ceiling - Making Science Tasks More Spacious.

Low Floor, High Ceiling experiences are those with easy access points for all learners (low floor), and the potential for expansive thinking (high ceiling). 

September 27
2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Register here

The workshop is presented by the California Academy of Sciences and hosted by Roseville’s Utility Exploration Center.

water distribution

Plan ahead for partial closure of Sunrise Avenue

This Thursday, September 9, repair work will take place on a water main on Sunrise Avenue between Francis and Oakridge Drive.

Sunrise Avenue will be closed off in both directions between 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. During this time, traffic will be detoured through a nearby neighborhood.

For more information, call (916) 774-5770 or email here

Safety cones in street

Road resurfacing in progress around Roseville

Watch for resurfacing work on streets around the city. Please be alert and travel with care in work zones.

Keep an eye on digital message boards for current work dates and times in each area. Schedules are subject to change due to weather, equipment and other unforeseen conditions.

Learn about these improvements and view a map of all locations:

Washington/Andora Widening August 2021

Washington Boulevard/Andora Widening Project continues

Construction on Phase 1 of the Washington Boulevard/Andora Widening Project continues. Please travel with care in the work zone.

Phase 1 improvements include:

  • Widening Washington Boulevard from two to four lanes between Sawtell Road and Kaseberg Drive, as well as between Diamond Oaks Road and Pleasant Grove Boulevard;
  • Constructing a new multi-use trail along the east side of Washington Boulevard, from Pleasant Grove Boulevard to All America City Boulevard;
  • Enhancing the current bicycle and pedestrian railroad under-crossing;
  • Improving signalized intersections along Washington Boulevard; and
  • Installing a new traffic signal at the intersection of Washington Boulevard and Kaseberg Drive.

Find out more about the upgrades:

View current infrastructure project map


View meeting agendas and minutes

Special City Council (virtual) - 4 p.m., Thursday, September 9
View the hearing live online and on the City's YouTube channel.

City Council - 6 p.m., Wednesday, September 15

Planning Commission - 6:30 p.m., Thursday, September 9

Parks and Recreation Commission - 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 7
Civic Center Meeting Rooms 1 & 2

Transportation Commission -  6 p.m., Tuesday, October 19

Public Utilities Commission - 6 p.m., Tuesday, September 28

Law and Regulation Committee - 4 p.m., Wednesday, September 22

Grants Advisory Commission - 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 14

Roseville Independent Redistricting Commission - 6:00 p.m., Monday, September 27

Design Committee - 4:30 p.m., Thursday, October 21

Economic Development Advisory Committee - 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 26

Senior Commission - 2 p.m., Wednesday, November 10

Unless otherwise noted, Council and Commission meetings are held in the Roseville City Council Chambers at 311 Vernon Street. 

Meetings held in the City Council Chambers can be viewed live online or on demand on the City’s website and on the City’s YouTube channel.

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About Us

The Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is NOT an HOA and there are no fees or dues. Fiddyment Farm Neighborhood Association is a member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.  We are here to:

  • Provide an open forum through which all members of the neighborhoods can participate in the identity, social culture, growth, development, and activities of the neighborhoods.
  • Identify and communicate the issues and concerns of the Association members to the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations, the City of Roseville, and other appropriate entities.
  • Keep all members of the neighborhoods informed regarding issues vital, or of interest, to the well-being of the neighborhoods.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication and cohesiveness among all the people of the neighborhoods. To act in cooperation with government and non-government agencies to preserve and improve peace, safety and property values in the neighborhoods.
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